Every day I come to my job knowing what I am dealing with. Today is no different. I handle all of the female defendant's who live here in Childress County. My job is not always easy, and this I know. I know there will be those that I want to succeed when they don't want to and then those who finally do overcome. A couple of years ago, right after Ryan and I met, was my first hard day. I had been at the office and a girl (I say girl because she has the maturity level of a girl) comes in with two of her three children at the time. The baby had soured milk in his bottle, was dirty and just about to fall asleep. The other toddler was just a filthy and tired. We arrested the mother that day and the children were given to her grandmother who had her oldest son. My heart was heavy that day because to see those children, who were neglected just so their mom could get her high. Innocent children.
Today, I went looking for one of my girls. I found her and her children at home. The children sleep on a fold-away bed in the living room. The mom's bedroom door is locked. The youngest child happens to be in Tanner's class, and he is a good kid. He is also the one who answered the door. He tried three times to get his mom up. I finally had to go to the door and bang on the door and told her I needed to talk to her. She gets up and what I see, just disgusts me. She has lost even more weight since the last time I saw her a week ago, she has sores on her arms and looks like a meth head, eyes sucken in, all of it. She said please don't tell my kids. The sad part is, I don't have to tell the kids, they know just by the way she acts that she is back on drugs. My heart is heavy right now and I can't get those boys out of my head. I wrestle with what to do. Not as far as my job goes, but as far as being a parent. I want so bad to take those kids in and give them things I know they will never have, but because of my job, I can't take those kids. I have to let someone else take them and hope they are taken care of. These few instances are heavy to deal with. These are the times when you see the kids suffer. They have no choice, no voice and no one to stand up for them at home.
1 week ago
Marci, I could never do your job...I know your heart is heavy and if you could I know you would take them all in.
You can't do it all. I learned that when I taught Kindergarten and we had home visits. I remember one girl in particular. She had a cot on the floor and cockroaches EVERYWHERE. She showed me this barbie she had and was so happy. The thing I instantly noticed...The barbie had no clothes and was missing one arm, yet that little girl was so proud of it....I cried that night. I still think of that little girl and wonder if she is okay.
If you didn't care Marci, you would have picked a different job. God has you working with these people for a reason.
I know it is disheartening at times, but just remember all the lives you have changed!
Oh honey! I am so sorry you had to see that today. I will pray for those children and that mom. It is such a burden when people choose that road. I've come to realize over the past year that there isn't a lot you can do for the user, but the children - what do we do for them? It's a question I struggle with. I want to talk to you about a program I am thinking about presenting to the school board to start this next Fall through MAMAS. Hang in there! I love you!
I agree with Donna...I could never do your job...I would have to bring everyone of those kids home with me...and then I might have to do something (not nice) to the mother...I think every day that I would love to foster kids and be a positive role model in their life and give them a safe place to not have to worry about....I am so proud of you and the job that you do....we need more people like you...let me know if there is anything that I can do for those boys or any other children that you deal with...I would love to help...let me know...steph
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