Tonight Ryan came home and we had a visitor. As we were sitting talking with her, Ella decides to ride the horsie, aka my leg. As my leg was getting a work out, she starts counting. I'm half listening to her as I am carrying on a conversation with our guest and all of a sudden I hear Ryan say "Holy Cow!" I looked at him and he is in complete amazement.
R: "She can count!"
M: "I know"
R: "She can count to 10"
M: "I know"
R: "When did she learn that trick?"
I'm sitting here thinking, it's not a trick. It's something she is suppose to be doing honey. He was wanting to know how long she has been counting to 10 and I told him for a while now. He keeps telling me I'm full of it, and I'm not. She has been counting for a while, just only on her terms!
I love to sit and watch her. She loves to dance. Yes, I dance with her. We do the hot dog dance among many. When I am off on Friday's we turn on a mixed cd real loud and start dancing around the kitchen. She tries to sing, but poor girl, she tries her best. I love to watch her excitement and face as we dance. It is all smiles and beautiful!! Tanner and I used to dance when he was little. But then he got too big and I had a hard time holding him as we danced. I look back and wish he were still that age and we could do that again. He too always was smiling. I loved his little round face that was always bright with a smile and happiness.
1 week ago
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