Happy New Year everyone!!
Tanner got a phone for Christmas this year and loves it. He has been using it to talk to his dad by text and to me as well. He has been taking pictures with it and I have enjoyed watching him use it. The other night as we were winding down I got a text on my phone. It was from Tanner and he was sitting in the same room?! He asked me what my New Year's Resoultion was this year. I told him I didn't have one and asked him if I needed one. He thought for a moment and said he didn't know. I asked Tanner if he had one. He said he didn't. I asked him why he was texting me instead of asking me while I was sitting next to him. He said "Mom, sometimes I want to have a conversation without Ella being involved." I understood and left it at that. Later that night, as it is every night, I was laying in bed with Tanner talking to him about what or if we needed to make resolutions. I told him that if he felt he needed to make some resolutions he could.
Tanner did get me to thinking though. What would I change about this year from last year? I have been working on being a better mom and taking care of myself so I can be a better mom for my kids. I am working very hard on providing for my kids. I have been working on the kids and I going to church. I don't like the idea of not always being able to go with them on the Sunday's I work, but we are getting back to where we need to be. Then I remembered what someone who is very wise told me. He said "It's not what man thinks of us, but what GOD has in store for us." So, instead of making a resolution, I'm making a change, to work on letting GOD lead me/us in what we need to do. This is not something new or something I wasn't taught. It is something that I quit doing and became lost along the way. I have been talking to Him every day asking him for guidance and thanking him for the many blessings he has blessed me with. Especially Saturday!! I am so very grateful for so many things that happened or didn't happen on Friday. Every day is new.
My change isn't to diet and exercise, which I know I should so I can be healthier. It is life changing though. It is something that the kids need to see and be a part of.
Many blessings to you and your family on this new year!!
1 week ago