I can't believe the last time I posted anything was Tanner's birthday!! But so many things have happened and we have been so busy. I'm really glad summer is here and really wish I was at home with the kids playing in the pool.
April was a pretty quick month. We had Easter weekend, then Tanner's birthday the next weekend. Recoup from the previous two weekends the next weekend and then start gearing up for end of the year stuff.
May was even more hectic. We lost an AMAZING lady!! Granny Irene always had a smile on her face and never a complaint. She has an amazing family of which I'm so blessed to be a part of. Tanner got to hear some stories about his Poppa and Great Uncles that had him rolling in the floor. He loved hearing the story of Granny riding on the back of Buck's motorcycle and falling off, how Terry had hit a baseball through the neighbors window and didn't know it, Debbie saying that they could play in a neighbors yard because he wasn't home and the neighbor coming out noting otherwise! Oh, the stories could go on and on and it's all because of Granny and Grandad. Their legacy lives on and they are both missed greatly.
May was also Mother's Day Tea, which I didn't get to be a part of, but someone just as wonderful to Ella was able to be there and she was so proud that her Nesey was able to be there for her! I am too. Then we had end of the year party and graduation for Ms. Angie's. And let me tell you, she does an amazing job with those kids!! I was laughing at Tanner because he was singing along with the little kids at Ms. Angie's graduation, he didn't remember the songs at first, but they quickly came back and he was singing right along. That same week we had Tanner's playday at the football field and baseball field!! Then school is out! It seems like May didn't even happen!!
Now here we are in June and all is going well so far. The kids are swimming and slip 'n slidin' and I'm planning a trip for the kids and hopefully, we will get to go and have a good time!! Tanner is wanting us three, my parents and my sister and her family to all go on vacation like we did when Tanner was little. He said he had a good time and would like to do that again. So my sister and I are working on details of that. I'm excited about it, because we will be getting out of town!!
Ella didn't like the idea of running and sliding on the slip 'n slide, so she would lay down and wait for someone to push her down it!! I loved watching them do that!!
That was quick, but in a nutshell!!
2 weeks ago